I'm bdrowsing the net wit an airtel gprs (officially "Mobile office")
these days shiftin 4m d old dial up. Although it shows a speed of arnd
115 kbps, it actually delvs arnd 1/4th of that speed. U get a dwnld
speed of arnd 5 kbps(avg), which is quite gud considerin tht d Airtel
folks hvnt kept any time limit or dwnld limit. You can go on dwnldin
24 hrs a day. But believe me d upld speed is right next 2 NULL. It
sucks big time. Airtel gprs is 4 those flks out der whos got enuf
time 4 surfin(say 4hrs a day @ d least) d net & who got enuf
creativity, so tht he cud think of findin a solution 2 control his
frnds ever increasin weight while u wait 4 a page 2 load after clickin
a link(not always). And hey u better start lovin those "Page cannot
............" Common! It is not tht bad after all. D only thin u need
is time(loads of) and a bit of patience. But, but & after anthr but
if u r an upload freak, NEVA EVA TRY AIRTEL GPRS.
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